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发表于 2018-8-30 16:10:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1. Cockies
相当于 "cockroaches", 是蟑螂的意思。

Just looking for a photo of cockies made me nauseated.

2. Mozzie
相当于"mosquito", 指蚊子。

Some people call them the most dangerous animal in the world. Australians call them mozzies.

3. Dunny
相當于"toilet", 指厕所。

I wonder whether other languages have cute nicknames for the toilet. I suppose potty sounds fun to people who don't speak English.
我在想是否其他的语言也会yong(用)很可爱的昵称来作为厕所的代名词。我猜“potty(便壶)” 对一些不会说英语De(的)人而言,这个单词的读音是有趣的。

4. Bingle
A car accident 交通事故

Accident sounds so negative. Sure, maybe you ran over a kid's trike, but it was just a bingle. Apparently there's an Australian insurance company called Bingle Insurance. Maybe someone should start Crash Insurance in the US.

5. Bluey
A traffic ticket 罚单

Maybe Americans do this too. I remember hearing someone say he "popped a dooey," and having no idea what he meant. Turns out a "dooey" is what you get when driving under the influence, a DUI ticket. Not funny.
美国人也有类似的表达。我记得我聽某个美国人说过:“poped a dooey”,完全不知道什么意思是。事实证明“dooey”就是酒后开车的情况下,收到的罚单。一点不好笑。

6. Bounce
A bully 恐吓

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear bounce is a bouncy horse. Fun! In Australia a bounce is a bully. Not so fun.

7. Liquid laugh
Vomit 呕吐

When you've been drinking all night, I suppose anything can sound fun.

8. Aussie Salute
Brushing away flies gan(赶)走苍蝇

OK, I do laugh thinking of people swatting flies. I once saw a hilarious interview on CNBC of some important business guy giving an interview near a water trap on a golf course while being attacked by bugs. They were probably mozzies, but it was still funny.

9. Wowser
A boring stick-in-the-mud 极端拘谨的人

If an Australian told me we were going out to dinner with a wowser, I'd be psyched. I'd be wrong.


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